8 February 2015 THE STORY BEHIND: FIRST PHOTO BOOK FROM RAFARUIZFOTO, IS NOW A REALITY! Rafa Ruiz Foto has published its first book on the BLURB platform, and we are very proud of it! It's a small compilation of images taken in 2014, separated into different categories, and commented from a technical, but also human, point of view. All texts are written in Spanish and Englisjh, so as a bonus, you can practice your Spanish! Click on the cover below, and you will be sent to an online preview, and be given the opportunity to buy a printed or PDF version if you wish. Also, at our blog, under the label "libros" you will find some of the images and the comments. And of course, you can always contact us through our contact form. 
24 December 2014  3 April 2014 II PHOTOTRIP RAFARUIZFOTO: GREENLAND 2014!
After a long preparation period. here it is, finally! Rafa Ruiz Foto is proud to announce the second cooperation project with ARCTIC YETI, our fantastic photo adventure for next summer in southern Greenland. From the 18th to the 27th of August, we will get to know, and enjoy, and of course photograph Nature, land and seascapes, towns, history and culture from both modern and traditional greenlanders, and their adaptation to the harshest climatic conditions in the planet. And last, but not least, whather permitting, we will keep an eye in the skies, in search of the elusive NORTHERN LIGHTS! English speaking photographers are also welcome, so if you feel this trip an interesting option, don't hesitate and join us! Last year we run out of places very early, and our trip was a complete success. And this year we have a maximum number of 12, so don't let yours go! The price of this trip is 2.695 €, and a downloadable pdf containing all informations is available by asking through our coantact form, or following this link. Also remember: you can contact us regarding whatever question you might have regarding the activity. And finally, if you think you know someone that might be interested in our trip, please share! 

1 January 2014 BRAND NEW WEBSITE FOR THE BRAND NEW YEAR! We try to offer a brand new web browsing experience, where you will find news, training, education, the best possible image quality, and also your participation. You can open new threads in our forum, for any subject of your interest. Welcome! 25 December 2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's my sincere wish for all that this new year 2014 is finally the moment of take off... 
Rafa Ruiz Foto is a small company born in 2007, placed in norther Extremadura, in the west of Spain. We specialize landscape, wildlife, travel and sports photography, and we also offer a broad variety of digital imaging: image improvement, posters, slideshows, workshops, taylored works... Rafa Ruiz is a self taught photographer who grabbed his first camera back in 1982. He's been working digitally since 2003. He has taken place in several photo competitions, a few times successfully, and his work is published regularly in Nature and adventure magazines. p o r t f o l i o Our portfolio shows a selection of our favorite images. You can leave your comments in the forum, or ask for any fine art print of whatever you see in our galleries! e v e n t s This section will show all the activities we organize, such as courses, workshops, photo trips. Your suggestions are always welcome! f i n e a r t Any images visible on the site, as long as many others (up tu 30.000) in our image bank can be ordered as fine art high quality prints, sent worldwide. You can send us a request through our contact form. b l o g This section jumps to our blog, where we tell you our "adventures" in workshops, trips, or our daily life as photographers. |